Featuring entertainment by Taylor Mason, a talented comedian, ventriloquist and musician, Mission Centers of Houston’s third annual dinner theater is to be hosted by Copperfield Church this November 9th. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the event promises to be a highly rewarding experience for all involved. We look forward to a great opportunity to increase awareness about the kingdom work taking place at our three centers every day while also raising money for our ongoing needs. In addition to enjoying delicious food and live entertainment, guests of the dinner theater are also invited to participate in a raffle for an iPad3 and to bid on a variety of items during our live and silent auctions. A weekend getaway to Lake Tahoe, tickets for the Texans, a Galveston beach rental and more will all be available for the winning bidders. There will be further opportunity to invest in meeting the needs of the individuals and families we serve on a daily basis through sponsorship of our Feed 100 People program.

While we are happy to provide childcare upon request, arrangements must be made ahead of time for their provision — please contact [email protected] to reserve childcare.

Our sincere thanks are offered towards Copperfield Church, our corporate donor support and the many volunteer hours that so generously go into making this evening a great success.

For more information about how to sponsor a table, purchase tickets online, view auction items or read about the evening’s entertainment, go to our website at https://missioncenters.org/dinner-theater/. We can’t wait to see you there!

October 1, 2012

Upcoming Events

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