More about our programs
Kids Club
Held at both the Gano and Joy Mission Centers, Kids Clubs are for children aged 4 through 10 years (or at the completion of 5th grade). Each club includes:
- a relaxing time for the children to bond with peers and leaders through recreation, crafts, and low-competition sports and games
- upbeat songs for the children to sing and move
- an interactive Bible lesson or an exciting mission story in a large group setting
- age-specific small groups for teaching life application of the lesson
- a tasty snack to cap off the program
Joyful Kids
An additional, half-day program (9-11:30) offered 4 days a week (Monday- Thursday) in the summer at the Joy Mission Center and includes:
- Snack Provided
- Bible lessons
- continuing education and fine arts classes
- recreation
Pre-registration is required for Joyful Kids. Call (713) 921-0197 or email for more information
Special Kids' Events
We hold several special kids’ events throughout the year like:
- Gospel Lakes Ranch day trip where kids from the Gano Mission Center spend a relaxing day in the country fishing, riding horses, zip-lines and paddle boats, shooting bows and arrows, doing crafts and face-painting, and hear ing exciting Bible stories
- Christmas Store– families of children at each center who are active in our Kids Clubs are eligible to receive gifts at no cost
- “Angels of Light” Christmas program for qualifying families, sponsored by Second Baptist Church, one of our supporting partners.
- Water Day – an end-of-summer favorite held at each center
- Free, family-friendly events for our surrounding communities – both centers host events such as block parties, community holiday meals, and movie nights, which include games, bounce houses, music, and food
These gatherings allow us opportunities to share the love of God while getting to know our neighbors better. You can find upcoming community events here.
You can affect the life of a child by:
- Volunteering yourself or a group of people to spread Christ’s love and hope to His children
- Donating to help sponsor our programs – one time, monthly or recurring
Children are very important to us.
As you can see, children are very important to us at Mission Centers of Houston. Jesus encouraged His disciples to let the little children come to Him, and told them specifically not to “hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
Our Kids’ ministry is a direct response to Christ’s teaching on children. They are important to our Lord and, when you support the work of Mission Centers of Houston, you are positively affecting the life of a child. We can be here with them because you stand so faithfully with us.
We are grateful for you!
- Thank you so much for the gift of your encouragement, prayer, and support. To volunteer, click here. To donate, click here.