Mission Centers of Houston is grateful for the opportunity to partner with fellow non-profit organizations and ministries, including Cornerstone Family Ministries, Agape Development, The Forge for Families and Generation One, in a unique athletic outlet at the start of the new year: basketball!
Houston Inner-City Sports League (or H.I.S. League for short) is focused on glorifying God through the avenue of sports. In addition to holding core values of respect, investment, sportsmanship, teamwork, honoring Christ and simply having fun, the League is also committed to mentoring and building relationships with a wide variety of inner-city youth ranging in age from 10 to 13 years. Each team member will complete a community service project before the League even begins in order to encourage ownership and investment in the experience. As the season starts, youth will learn key skills such as sportsmanship, diligent practice, respect, fair play and teamwork. Each team member will also receive a uniform carrying the H.I.S. League logo on the front, access to gym space at each center for practices and games, and refreshments during game time. Staff from each organization are committed to sharing the love of Christ as well as the fundamentals of basketball with the teams, largely based out of Spring Branch, Third Ward and Near Northside.
Mission Centers of Houston is currently seeking help with a variety of donation needs. Donations are currently needed in the form of snacks (protein bars, granola bars, fruit, etc) and refreshments (Gatorade, water, etc) to be available to the youth at the games. Each partnering organization is also responsible to raise $2,500 respectively to help defray the cost of referees, gym space, transportation and uniforms. Last of all, the League is looking for a portable score board or another convenient way to keep track of scores at both home and away games. If you would be able to help meet one or more of these needs, or for more information regarding donations, contact Haley Jones at [email protected].
Interested in coming to cheer on your favorite team? Contact Kate at [email protected] for an up-to-date schedule of times and locations for the games, starting January 19th and continuing until March 2nd.