Over the next several weeks, Mission Centers of Houston is delighted to begin preparations for a series of age-specific Christmas parties at our Gano, Fletcher and Joy Fellowship Centers.

As Gano Mission Center’s assistant director, Haley Jones, notes, these special after-school events provide the youth in our communities with an opportunity to “celebrate all of the blessings that Jesus gives us [while also] helping the kids to understand the Christmas story.” This year, Gano Mission Center will be holding Christmas parties for their kids, pre-teens and teens on December 10th, 12th and 13th, respectively. In addition to seeking to provide their youth with a fun, out-of-the-ordinary experience through a special meal and cookie decorating party, they would welcome any age-specific presents for their older kids: bath sets, lotion, flat irons or jewelry for 12 girls and Nerf toys, cologne, sports equipment or gift cards for 33 boys. If you are interested in donating hours out of your day to help decorate and support the party events or in providing some of the desired gift items, please contact Haley Jones at [email protected].

Fletcher Mission Center looks forward to “celebrating Christ’s birth and the gift of Himself to us.” They will be hosting their Kids’ Club Christmas party on Wednesday, December 12th and their Pre-teen/Teen Club on Thursday, December 13th. Thanks to the generous giving of several local churches, including Tallowood Baptist Church and Sagemont Church, all of the party favors, snacks and food has already been arranged. There remains an outstanding need for Christmas gifts for the Fletcher pre-teens and teens, however. If you are interested in giving a monetary donation to help staff choose personality-specific gifts of shoes, hats, outdoor attire, sports equipment or crafts for one or more of their 30 young adults, please contact Daphne Davies at [email protected].

Staff member Amanda Wilkinson at Joy Fellowship Center is anticipating being able to celebrate the “joy and wonder of knowing Christ as Savior because He came into the world to give His life for us” with the youth at the Center. During their Christmas parties this year, Wilkinson says, she is looking forward to “the kids being able to join in on the excitement of knowing God a little better by celebrating Christ’s birth together.” Joy Fellowship Center will be hosting Christmas parties for their 4-6 year olds and 7-10 years olds during the week of December 3rd, and then will focus on their pre-teens and teens during the week of December 10th. Bounce houses will hopefully provide a good deal of fun for all. Specific volunteer needs include help wrapping gifts, someone to facilitate and oversee cookie decoration and multiple pairs of hands to help with general festive preparation and tear-down. If you are interested in sharing your time or creative genius with the community at Joy Fellowship Center, please contact Amanda Wilkinson at [email protected].


November 30, 2012

Upcoming Events

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