Summer 2013 Global Footprint Experience: Apply Now!

DSCN0656Soon after participating in Mission Centers of Houston’s Global Footprints program, a summer-long missionary intern experience that focuses on cross-cultural immersion, servant leadership, community building, discipleship and more, one of our students contacted us to share the following: “Community here this summer has been like a picture of the body of Christ. Even though we hear about it all the time, it is hard to understand how well it really works until we see it in action. We have been able to keep each other accountable, encourage one another, and serve together with different gifts, and we all grew through that.”

We are currently accepting applications for Summer 2013! As you read through the following expectations, we invite you to prayerfully consider serving in the inner city with Mission Centers of Houston for a transformative 9-week experience you’re not soon to forget. The application deadline is rapidly approaching on March 15th, 2013 — and we hope you don’t wait until then to contact us.

– Demonstrate an active commitment to Jesus Christ.268761_10150302828722176_2509766_n
– Display a commitment to discovering, practicing and communicating Scriptural truths with the recognition that others will be influenced by what you say as much as what you do.
– Display personal maturity.
– Be able to communicate effectively across age, gender and ethnic differences.
– Be comfortable with both giving and receiving instructions.
– Interact with others in a manner that is continually respectful of authority.
– Exhibit flexibility, teachability and cross-cultural sensitivity.
– Practice a grace-filled and team-oriented spirit of communication and interaction.
– Display a strong work ethic.
– Practice an ongoing commitment to living well with 10-15 other team members for the 9-week time period; this includes healthy conflict resolution, active forgiveness and personal transparency.
– Embrace limited technology access (including Internet, TV, computer, phone, etc.) in the hope of building meaningful relationships with those around you.
– Express a willingness to fundraise a portion of your financial needs.
– Be ready, be hopeful and be excited!


For more information about our summer missionary internship experience, look here on our website.

February 28, 2013

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