by Laura Grace King


What if Jesus had only asked the woman at the well for water then walked away?

What if Jesus had passed by Zacchaeus when he was sitting in the tree?

What if Jesus had thrown the first stone at the woman?

What if Jesus had not noticed the blind, deaf, and sick?

What if Jesus had not raised Lazarus from the dead?

What if Jesus had refused to die for you and me?

What if Jesus had not said “follow Me?”

What if followers of Christ quit obeying God when the going gets tough?

What if followers of Christ refused to live the Gospel and obey the Great Commission?

What if followers of Christ refused to go to the nations or different communities and live with the people?

What if followers of Christ stayed in their comfort zone instead of jumping out of the boat?

What if followers of Christ refused to live as Christ lived?

What if I refused to live as Christ lived?


What if.

John the Baptist said it all in just one simple sentence: “He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30, ESV).” Basically, John the Baptist was saying that he had to become less and less so Christ would become more and more in his life. That is the same thing with my life. I am having to constantly remind myself that I am not my own. I jumped out of the boat of my comfort zone because God was calling me to. When God is calling a person to do something, the only thing that they can do is trust and obey.

I am originally from El Paso, Arkansas. It is a small country town that is mainly dirt roads and hunting woods. I went to the same church and hung out with the same people all of my life. When God put moving to Houston, Texas in my heart, I thought God was pulling a prank on me. Moving to Houston, Texas for a few months was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever made. One thing I learned when I was preparing to move was that I had to die to self and trust God. I had many “what ifs” running through my head because my mom is in bad health. I had to learn that God has everything under control no matter where I am.

Now I see why God has placed me in Houston, Texas. Here at Mission Centers of Houston, I am the intern at Gano. I work in the food pantry, and help out with kids, preteens, and senior adult ministries. I have been put out of my comfort zone a lot and I am learning what ministry really is about. Ministry is serving God by serving others. I am learning that I am second. Jesus comes first in my life, and I must live like Him by serving others.

Laura Grace leads worship with senior adults at Gano Center.

Laura Grace leads worship with senior adults at Gano Center.

Laura Grace King is a Global Footprint Intern serving at Mission Centers of Houston from January – May 2014.

March 12, 2014

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