Seamstress training for the young (and young-at-heart)

Seamstress training for the young (and young-at-heart)

Volunteer SHOUT OUT to Donna Dockell, Wilma Mitchell, Kathy Deleon and Amalia Chamberlain (not pictured) for sharing their sewing expertise with students and adults excited to learn a practical, marketable skill.
When Mission Centers of Houston received the gift of three sewing machines several decades ago, a Sewing Club was born. At the time, volunteer Kathy DeLeon had been serving as the Christmas store chairman and doing other projects at the Joy Mission Center with her children and friends from Sagemont Baptist, but she was ready for a new adventure. “At first, I taught 9- and 10-year olds to sew and they learned quickly,” she recalls. She soon had 15 students and three adult helpers. Adds Kathy, “We made doll quilts, pillows, baby blankets and bibs and eventually made a T-shirt quilt out of my old shirts. Our goal was to teach a life skill, and students began by learning to use a pattern. Before long the young learners were making their own clothes.” Special kudos to Kathy and her sidekicks for organizing a sewing room at the Joy Center and spending several days a month getting ready and coordinating seamstress projects.
This summer, the volunteer team expanded their student base by seven — this time, teaching senior adult ladies! Joy Center Director Vanessa Ortiz says their excitement was contagious. “Modesta Chavez has been involved in our ministry for seniors for many years,” shares Vanessa, “but she had the biggest smile I have ever seen when she finished her first sewing project!”

October 27, 2022

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