Volunteering Can Be a Special Family Affair

Tamara and Jonathan Brooks each grew up with a deep value for ministry and service, first encountering the MCH when Tamara was the UofH BSM Director. “We have fond memories serving with our students, so it was a natural choice when we had kids. The boys and I have served in the food pantry but we also encourage them to look for ways to serve ‘with everything you are and have’ (Joshua 22:5 MSG) and to ‘do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8). These are our boys’ life verses.”
In 2019, Micah (8) heard about a little girl who didn’t have a pillow. This upset him so he wanted to help. He set up a beverage stand and gave away water bottles for donations. He donated $250 to MCH which allowed many children to get pillows. In 2021, he held a men’s used shoe drive to complete his Duty to God achievement for Cub Scouts. He donated 30 pairs of men’s shoes.
Tamara added another dimension to the family’s volunteer roster after donating a BMX bike. “When Cheryl Chadwick mentioned the bike becoming someone’s transportation,” adds Tamera, “I now see a new potential for bikes put out by the curb.”
She began a social media campaign and “weird hobby” called ReCycle to revamp donated bikes with air in the tires, a tune-up, or new parts, and recently donated her 79th bike to MCH!
Delivering bikes this spring with Joshua (her oldest) sparked a conversation about the differences between his neighborhood and the area surrounding the Gano Center, and a reminder of the Brooks’ many blessings that can be shared.
Add Tamara, “My hope is that our efforts have eternal significance and that these experiences stay with our boys and form them into men that continue to ‘do justice’ and serve others with ‘everything they are and have’.”
Visit Tamara’s ReCycle Facebook page (@ReYourCycle) to help with her ministry wish list and to read heartwarming stories of grateful recipients.

August 16, 2022

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