photo(2)Our newest staff member, associate director Craig Taylor, recently took time to pen a few heartfelt words of appreciation to each of our highly valued volunteers. As we get ready to head into volunteer appreciation week on Monday, it seems only appropriate to share his thoughts here:

What a joy it is to send this note to the people who are touching so many lives in Houston’s inner-city!  My name is Craig Taylor and I am the new Associate Director of the Mission Centers.  Part of my responsibilities is coordinating and ministering to our wonderful volunteers.  I can’t wait to get to know you all in the weeks ahead! 

I come to MCH out of 30 years in vocational ministry: 10 in youth and college ministry and 20 as a pastor.  Over these years God has grown in me a heart to encourage and equip followers of Jesus and a passion for hands-on ministry in the community.  When the opportunity came to come to MCH it felt like this is what God had been preparing me to do my whole life!  And these first few weeks of service have done nothing but confirm those feelings.  It is a privilege to be a part of what God is doing through MCH and I am honored to serve you as a part of my ministry here.

I hope to meet you in person soon but please know I am here to meet any need you might have, whether it is something related to your work at MCH or a personal matter I could be praying about.  Call (713-227-0304, ext.107) or email ([email protected]) and let me know anything I can do for you.  And remember that you are the very heart of our ministry.  You are the love of Christ each time you are here: playing with kids, helping with ESL, making a meal for seniors or sweeping up the gym – everything you do demonstrates the heart of God and the worth of each person we serve.  Thank you for investing your life in the Kingdom!  Blessings!

April 18, 2013

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