Time has just flown by!  We have had 3 After Harvey Resource Fairs since our last update…  St Paul Missionary Baptist Church, New Beginnings Church and Bethany Baptist Church.  These host churches have been wonderful 😊 and God has blessed our time in the community.  In the last 2 months we have met with 258 families through our After Harvey Resource Fairs. We have connected 95 homeowners that still need assistance to disaster case managers for help and resources ~ most of these families had fallen through the cracks and have received no assistance since Harvey hit.  We have given contact information to 28 families in rentals that will help them recover lost property and assist with finding affordable housing.  In all, 853 lives have been touched in the last 60 days…  just WOW!  We are so thankful that God has allowed us to take part in this wonderful effort…  and we continue to be in awe of how great a God we serve!

Here are a few pictures from May and June ~

July 11, 2019

Upcoming Events

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