Highlights of NE Houston Restoration’s Fall and Winter

So much has happened with NE Restoration since last summer!  Here is a condensed version of the highlights of the last few months…

In September the MCH/NE Restoration family spent the afternoon rescuing food for our community with Second Serving after the Ben E. Keith Food Show down at NRG Stadium! Oodles of fun and a truckload of food… God is good!

Early October found NE Restoration attending the Houston Responds Summit…  Jeff and Jim have fun doing ministry together!  We also had a great group of volunteers come out and help us re-roof St Paul Missionary Baptist Church.

November brought us Stanley and his 2 sons, Ed and Joe. They came from Amarillo, Austin and all of the way from Los Angeles to volunteer their time and serve with Restoration in our community.  We were able to put them to work at St Paul Missionary Baptist Church taking up and replacing floors for Rev. Jackson and his congregation… what a blessing!!

We made a run out to Bayou City Fellowship Church to pick up another big load of drywall… which we then delivered to Launch Point… who is, in turn, using these supplies to work on a church and 2 homes in the community.  What a blessing to see God’s people come together and help those in need!

November also found us at the Ventura and Broussard homes… quite a bit!  We had 4 teams of volunteers, locals as well as teams from across the country, which totally changed these families’ lives. Between them the homes had drywall and flooring removed and replaced, windows replaced, minor electrical repairs, new bathrooms, new walls… our volunteers do it all!  The Broussard family was doubly blessed with the donation of a truckload of furniture.

December took us to North Central Baptist Church for our very first Community Information Event to help those still in the midst of hurt from Hurricane Harvey.  We were able to provide a bit of fun in the mix with coffee and cocoa, sweets provided by Second Servings of Houston, games, a raffle and yes, a visit from Santa!

In January we were again at North Central Baptist Church, but this time we were able to give them a helping hand.  The youth from First Baptist Church Humble came in and painted the gym.  Big job!  Pastor Tomas was thrilled. Juan also repaired walls that had been damaged at NCBC.  Looking good!

Watching God move and provide these last few months has been amazing ~ we are so excited to see what He is going to do next!

All for His glory ~
NE Houston Restoration team

February 14, 2019

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