It’s that time of year again… June was BOUNCE! month at NE Restoration! This year we had over 60 young people (plus their adult leaders) come in from 5 different churches to serve in our communities. What did they do? Glad you asked. 😊 They went to 3 different mobile home parks and re-roofed houses that were still in disrepair after Harvey, they painted and did small repair work in 3 different churches, they did cleanup work in a home that had suffered a fire… and they worked on renovations at Mission Centers Fletcher House! These young people logged over 1,900 hrs of service time! Can I get an AMEN!?! It is such a BLESSING to have BOUNCE! come and volunteer ~ beyond their hard work they have such hearts for Jesus… they come to serve for His glory.
Here are some pics of their time with us…